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Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Day 2015


Friday May 15th 2015 is the fourth annual Food Revolution Day– a day of global action created by Jamie Oliver and the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation to engage and inspire people of all ages to learn about food and how to cook it

This year for Food Revolution Day, Jamie has launched a global campaign to make food education compulsory in schools.  He ishopingto create a strong sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.”  Head on over to change.org/jamieoliver, sign the petition, then share it with your friends, family, social networks. The goal is for 1 million signatures this year!

You are probably aware that Jamie’s been campaigning to keep cooking skills alive for years.  He believes that “getting kids cooking from as early as possible helps them to develop an essential life skill which will have a huge impact on their future health and wellbeing,” and that sentiment is at the heart of this year’s Food Revolution Day.

Food Revolution Day Ambassadors all around the world are working hard to get as many people involved in Food Revolution Day this year as possible. Read about some of the Toronto Ambassador team’s plans for Food Revolution Day 2015 here

Here are some ways YOU can get involved in Food Revolution Day this May 15th:

Get your work colleagues involved!

  • Host a “real food” potluck on or around Food Revolution Day check out the Food Revolution recipes  OR
  • Make Jamie’s Squash It Sandwich together.
  • Host a smoothie bar on Food Revolution Day. Bring your blenders to work and get everyone drinking their fruits and veggies with Jamie’s super smoothies.
  • Find a Food Revolution Ambassador in your area to see if your workplace could host an official event!

Get your friends and family involved.

  • On or around Food Revolution Day, host a dinner party, picnic, or a potluck (need some inspiration? Check out the Food Revolution recipes page).
  • Take a visit to your local farmers’ market, pick up some some new-to-you ingredients and taste them.  Use your ingredients to cook a recipe you have never tried before.
  • Take the time (even just once a week) to cook with your kids. After all, food education begins at home.

Encourage your local schools to take part:

  • Encourage your school to sign up to receive the official schools activity pack!
  • Send the teachers the link to the Food Revolution Day website to check out the recipes– maybe they can do some cooking in their classes next week
  • Offer to help the school take part in Jamie’s online “Squash It Sandwich” lesson on May 15th and cook along with Jamie!

Follow #foodrevolutionday

Facebook: www.facebook.com/foodrevolutioncommunity
Twitter: www.twitter.com/foodrev (#foodrevolutionday)
Google+: www.google.com/+foodrevolutioncommunity
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/foodrevolution
Instagram: @foodrev (#foodrevolutionday)

Need more inspiration about why we need a Food Revolution? Watch and share Jamie’s TED talk.

Tell us – how will YOU fight for food education this May 15th?


Mardi Michels is a full-time French teacher to elementary school-aged boys and the author of eat. live. travel. write - a blog focusing on culinary adventures near and far. She has lived and worked as a teacher in Australia, Hong Kong, England, France and now calls Toronto home. As part of her job, she runs after-school cooking classes for 7-13 year-old boys, Les Petits Chefs and Cooking Basics.  She’s a regular contributor to JamieOliver.Com, one of the founding members of Food Bloggers of Canada, a Food Revolution Day Ambassador for Toronto and Jamie Oliver Super Ambassador for Canada and in her spare time teaches (mostly French pastry) classes (focussing on macarons) around Toronto. 

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